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Basic Cleaning Checklist

In trying to help my daughter be prepared to take care of her first home one big thing we needed to do was come up with how often things need to be cleaned.

Unfortunately for Hailey I’m one of those mom’s who does everything herself. Hailey has no idea how often to clean the bathroom or change her sheets, it’s always been done for her. So here is a basic list I came up with to help her keep things clean.

*Bathrooms should be cleaned once a week. As the germiest place in the house they really need a good scrubbing. This includes sink, tub, toilet and the floor.

*Kitchen should be wiped down after every meal and cleaned at least once a week depending on how much cooking you do. Don’t forget the inside of the microwave.

*Dust and vacuum at least weekly. If the carpets need it vacuum every other day, this reduces wear from dirt being ground in. Don’t forget to dust light bulbs and picture frames.

*Wash linens every week to reduce germs and keep your bedroom smelling fresh. Wash blankets and comforters once a month.

*Once a month dust the baseboards and molding. Use the crevice tool on your vacuum to vacuum the edges of the carpet.

*Once a month vacuum the living room furniture, including under the cushions.

*Every week clean whatever gets touched with your hands. Light switches and doorknobs are often overlooked until they are grimy but regular cleaning will help prevent the spread of germs.

*Clean the inside of the refrigerator once a month, or more often if needed. Hot, soapy water is all you need.

*Clean up carpet spills as they happen or they will be impossible to remove later.

This is just a basic list to get her started. She might not need it but it’s nice to have a reference.