It’s easy to fall into the pit of discouragement. I’d suggest discouragement is one of Satan’s greatest tools. It’s one I’ve been battling lately. Half the problem stems from a cold or flu bug that doesn’t want to leave and half from trying to get work done and not getting far with it, due to other problems.
Sadly, discouragement affects too many people in our churches. It can be easy to feel that what you are doing is not appreciated or even noticed by anyone. It can be easy to wonder why you even bother. Your pastor is not immune to these feelings either. When was the last time you encouraged him?
All it needs is for someone to take you to task about why you aren’t doing something or taking on some other form of ministry, and you can feel like no matter what you do it is never enough and people are never satisfied. Let me tell you a secret. You don’t have to worry about satisfying other people. God is the only one that matters. He is the only one that knows all that you are doing and knows the motivation behind what you do.
We can all beat ourselves over the head at times and think we’re not doing enough. The reality is no matter how much we do it will still not be enough. There will still be people who expect more from you. So long as each of us is right with God and know we are doing what He wants, in the end it doesn’t matter what other people think.
Sometimes, particularly when you or your spouse are not well, or you are burdened with family problems, you just have to take a step back and admit you can’t do all you would like to or all others expect, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it. God understands.
Of course if you’re using it as an excuse to opt out of doing something God wants you to do, that’s a different matter. That’s just plain disobedience. Or if someone made a negative comment and you’re now thinking you won’t bother doing what you had been doing, that’s a different matter entirely. We need to each make sure before God that our hearts do not condemn us and we are doing all God requires.
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