The human body is pretty amazing. Despite all the wear and tear the body gets on a daily basis — inside AND out — it still keeps going.
Your liver and kidneys play a huge role in keeping the body clean on the inside. The liver has hundreds of functions, but one big one is filtering bad stuff (like bacteria) out of the blood. It’s also essential for digestion — the liver produces bile, which breaks down fat so the body can digest it. It’s a multitasking marvel!
Your kidneys are waste and water processors. On a daily basis, they filter excess water and waste from your blood. What’s so good about that? Besides the benefits of getting the bad stuff out of your body, the work your kidneys do helps regulate blood pressure and balance electrolyte levels.
These three little organs have a BIG job for the body. So it’s in your best interest to help keep your liver and kidneys healthy and happy! The benefits will be body-wide.
Keep your liver happy! Exercise regularly — even if it’s only ten minutes per day. A recent study showed that regular exercise (just sixty minutes per week, total) can reduce the levels of enzymes that come with liver problems. Ten minutes per day is NOT a huge commitment in time, but it can be a BIG boost for your body’s waste filtering systems!
Protect your liver! Don’t overdo it on alcohol. An occasional drink is okay, but bingeing can be harmful.
Fuel your kidneys! A big part of the cleaning and balancing work your kidneys do depends on water… so make sure you’re drinking enough.
Protect your kidneys! Drinking water can help prevent the formation of painful kidney stones. Adding a glass of OJ to your day can also help reduce crystal formation — the combination of calcium with other chemicals forms crystals, which can bind together into kidney stones.
Just four little things can help keep your kidneys and liver happy, healthy, and strong!