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Beautiful, Edible Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Many people like to use a cornucopia basket for a centerpiece, overflowing with flowers and other naturals or fruits, candies, and other treats. Instead, why not try a bread cornucopia overflowing with wonderful rolls and muffins? It will make a delightful and delectable addition to your Thanksgiving table.

A large waffle cone with a pointed end makes a good start for the form. Place an oven safe dish inside the mouth of the cone or wrap foil around it to extend the length of the form to the desired size. Stuff the inside with more foil to make it stable if necessary.

Prepare your favorite bread dough recipe. Roll the dough out into long narrow strips and braid them. Wrap the braided pieces (or just wrap single strips) around the cornucopia form. Place on a greased baking sheet and baste with butter or egg so the bread will have a nicely golden, flaky crust. Bake according to recipe directions, checking half-way through (it usually won’t take as long to bake as a standard loaf of bread).

When finished baking, allow the bread to cool completely before attempting to remove the form. Place on a breadboard, platter, or decorative plate. Fill with assorted rolls, buns, and muffins, like pumpernickel, rye, wheat, white, yeast rolls, and corn muffins, to give your family and your guests a tasty selection from which to choose. Using an assortment will also add color, texture, and contrast for a more interesting look.

Use fillers such as small fruits and nuts if desired. You can also decorate with (non-toxic) fresh or artificial leaves, flowers, and fillers. Place a colorful doily or linen napkin on top of the breadboard or plate or inside a long, low basket for more color, or tie a wide ribbon around the mouth of the cornucopia if desired.