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Becoming a Yoga Teacher

If you love yoga and have a desire to become a yoga teacher, you may not know where to start. Some people think knowledge and years of practice is enough, but it isn’t. There are requirements and standards that must be met in order to be a registered teacher.

This is not a decision to take lightly; becoming a yoga teacher takes time, effort and has a significant financial cost. A typical teacher training program costs several thousand dollars. In addition to the high cost of the training, expect to invest months to complete the program.

The time it takes to become a yoga teacher depends on the level of certification. There are 200 and 500 hour certification programs available. The 200 hour certification is the minimum standard set by Yoga Alliance, the national organization that sets the standards for teachers and teacher training programs.

Before you make the decision to invest the time and effort required to become a yoga teacher, there are a few things you should consider. One thing to consider is whether you are ready to become a teacher. Various training programs have standards for prospective students, including proficiency in performing the asanas and experience in the practice of yoga.

Be objective about your own level of proficiency. Most people tend to over state their level of experience in many areas of life. Ask your yoga teacher for an objective opinion, if you think you are ready but aren’t completely sure. If you have been practicing at the studio, your teacher is the best place to begin when investigating your readiness and options.

Another question to ask is whether you are making this decision for the right reasons. Why do you want to become a yoga teacher? Choosing to become a yoga teacher, or really any profession, because you hope to make money is almost never the right reason. Considering the relatively low salary of most yoga teachers, this is an especially bad idea.

If you hope to make your living as a yoga teacher, realize this will take time. Like any new business, you will need to build up to a teaching schedule with enough classes and students to provide a full time income. Most new teachers begin part time and keep their regular jobs for as long as a few years.

The next question to consider is the type of yoga you will be teaching. Some programs offer general certification. However, some types of yoga require teachers take their training programs. This is an important consideration when choosing a teacher training program. That subject will be covered in a future blog.

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About Pattie Hughes

Pattie Hughes is a freelance writer and mother of four young children. She and her husband have been married since 1992. Pattie holds a degree in Elementary Education from Florida Atlantic University. Just before her third child was born, the family relocated to Pennsylvania to be near family. She stopped teaching and began writing. This gives her the opportunity to work from home and be with her children. She enjoys spending time with her family, doing crafts, playing outside at the park or just hanging out together.