I used to be one of those women that I envy today: I ate what I wanted, didn’t exercise much and never had a weight problem. That was until I hit my mid-thirties and I became a stay at home wife and then all the years caught up with me without warning.
At 5’1″ any extra weight shows and for me; most my my weight decided to take residence from the top of my stomach to the bottom of my thighs. Granted to many my weight of 135 lbs is not so bad but I know what I look like when I come out of the shower and believe me it’s not a sight that I like to see. While I have always had good health, I can’t say I have ever done anything to keep myself healthy and I am realizing that at 41 if I don’t do something about it, I won’t continue to have good health.
I can’t say I have ever had a healthy relationship with food or been at a healthy weight for more that six months to a year. My weight during my adult life has been as low as 98 lbs and now at my current 135 lbs is the highest it’s ever been. I either starve or stuff myself under stress and the weight fluctuates during that time. My eating habits under stress usually involve soda, French fries, chips and chocolate or absolutely nothing. The end result from both of these eating habits is always weight gain and usually a few zits for good measure as well.
I really don’t believe in diets for two reasons: First, I like to eat and if I begin depriving myself I am going to fall off that wagon faster that I stepped on it. Second, I do not believe diets work for the long term. Even if I found a diet that I could stick to and I took off that weight, diets are not intended to become a lifestyle, in fact certain diets can be dangerous if you turn them into a lifestyle.
My goal for now is to cut out a good deal of the soda I drink as I find myself drinking up to four or more twenty ounce bottles of cola on a daily basis and replace that with water or unsweetened tea and to get off of my butt to do more than cook dinner or clean the house.
At 41 it’s time to do better for myself than I have in the past and it’s time to become the best I have been for me.
This is the first journey that I will ever take in my weight control and physical health just for me instead of for someone else. Maybe in that, I will find the key to good health and happiness that will last longer than the latest diet craze.
Along the way I will share my workout as well as any eating habits that I may change or alter. I hope you will join me on my journey. Of course, I am always open to encouragement, tips or suggestions.
Diet Hype: Looking for the next fad
Looking For My Waist: Are you losing weight?
The Scale Keeps Me Honest