When you are hit with an emergency, sometimes all bets are off. Think about what is happening now in Japan.
Emergencies can be a real roadblock to frugality. Depending on the emergency, you are absolutely right to abandon your frugal practices and just do whatever it takes to get by. The trick is to balance that with trying to keep things under control enough so that you don’t wind up with a second emergency to deal with.
We had a situation last year that wiped out both our money and our energy. We had to do the best we could just to get through things day by day and sometimes even hour by hour. While we were aware of the continuing need to save money, it just dropped down on the priority list. That happens when you are in survival mode.
If you are currently in that situation or coming out of it, the most important thing is to not beat yourself up. Do what you can to avoid large expenses as much as possible and then let it go until a time when you can get back to being more frugal. Don’t stress about grabbing a meal out if it keeps you fed, for example.
One definite thing that can help in these situations is to be prepared ahead of time. Believe me, it can make all of the difference in how you will come out of your emergency. Sometimes the crisis is even too big for any preparation, but often it will help.
Have an emergency fund. This is so important. Your fund may be needed for anything from medical expenses to baby sitting, depending on your need at the time. In the middle of an emergency, knowing that you have this extra money saved may also relieve some mental stress as well as the pressure to keep your budget during an uncertain time.
Have extra food in the pantry and the freezer.
Know who your support system is and how to contact them. In the middle of an emergency, phone numbers and email addresses can fly out of your mind.
It is worth mentioning again when frugality and an emergency collides. Do the best that you can do and give yourself some slack to get through.
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