My visiting teachers visited yesterday. As we sat and discussed the lesson I was trying to feed my youngest. I may not have seemed as though I was paying much attention, but something they talked about really affected the way that I viewed my current situation. They talked about the importance of being of one heart and mind when it comes to your family at home.
It really does make a difference to have a home that is peaceful and promotes love and acceptance. As parents we can do so much to create a supportive home environment. We should strive to create a place where our children feel welcomed and safe from outside influences. The world that they are facing each day is becoming worse. They may face difficulties with others at school. It is important to have them support each other at home.
The best way that we can teach our children to support each other is to demonstrate that support to them. If you are supportive of your spouse and children, your children will pick up on it. If you are kind and do not laugh at the expense of others, your children will learn to behave the same way. If you show a genuine concern for their feelings and listen to them, they will do this with their brothers and sisters.
Additionally you should make sure that your children do not suffer ridicule or fighting at home. Although it may be difficult to completely stop squabbles at home, you should make it clear that you do not tolerate teasing, name calling or other negative behaviors. Constant teasing and fighting can wear down the self worth of any individual. It can also wear away the unity of your family.
As you strive to create a peaceful home environment, make sure that you include the gospel and Christ in your home as well. This can bring an added sense of peace to your home and your children’s lives. This can help them know that no matter what the family will be there for them.
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