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Being the Right Person

‘A good marriage is about being the right person, not marrying the right person.’ An interesting quote, don’t you think? I did when I read it in Eternity a relatively new magazine here in Australia.

It came from an article by Karl Faase on making the most of your marriage. He had some interesting things to say from a guy’s point of view.

Some of the tips he gave men were: ’Don’t expect your wife to behave the way she did when she you first got married.’ He went onto say that relationships grow and change. It’s true have you ever watched someone when they are dating or when they are newly married.

They cling on every word their loved one speaks, laugh at their jokes even if they are not funny, flatter them, take time to be with them. Then suddenly it seems it all disappears. While I agree with Karl Faase to a point that relationships change, it doesn’t have to be quite as clear cut as that.

Why can’t we still make an effort and choose to laugh at our spouse’s jokes, encourage and flatter them and make them feel special. Yes, it might require a bit of effort but if you love your spouse aren’t you prepared to go that extra mile to make them happy?

The key really is in his second point which is, ’don’t take your marriage for granted.’ That seems to me to apply an equally as well to men and women.

Don’t think just because you’re married you can relax and just please yourself. It doesn’t work that way. Marriage, like anything that is good, is something that needs to be worked at to make it even better.

You won’t become an expert pianist unless you practice and practice. You won’t have a great marriage if you just let it run its course and don’t put the effort and work in either.

Join me next time so for some more tips about marriage.

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