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Benefit Your Marriage

Have you heard about the seven Fs that can make or break a marriage? I read about them this week.

If you remember, I did a series of alphabetical blogs at one stage. Back in February I touched on a few in the article F Means Fail. I was interested to see some of mine mentioned there matched up with the 7 mentioned in the book I read.

Their 7 are: ‘Friendship, Family, Faith, Finances, Fighting, Forgiving and Fertilization.’ Fertilization didn’t mean sex and procreation, though I’m sure that would come into it too. It actually meant spending time fertilizing or nurturing your marriage by spending time together and taking care of your marriage.

The interesting thing is that all of the 7 mentioned have been covered on this marriage blog at some point or another, just maybe under different titles, like: The Glue that Holds Marriage Together or Together Time or Disagreements Aren’t Always Bad for Your Marriage, A Radical View of Marriage and others too numerous to mention. Choose just about any one the marriage blogs and they would echo point brought up in these 7 Fs given.

These 7 Fs came from the novel I mentioned yesterday and that doesn’t make them any less valid. I’ve recently been re-reading Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle and she feels she learns more about love, relationships and just about any topic through fiction rather than through other ways. I’m inclined to agree with her, so long as we are discerning in what we read.

I thought this particular novel had a lot to say about love, relationships between those intending to marry and those already married, as well as relationships with in laws and friends as well. Have a read of it if you get the chance and see what you think and whether you come to the same conclusion.

Meanwhile, let’s concentrate on keeping this 7 Fs at the forefront of our minds and of our marriages. I’m sure they will benefit us.

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