Is a homeschool co-op right for your family? Homeschool Co-ops provide benefits to both the parent and the children.
Benefits to the Homeschooling Parent:
Fellowship: Let’s face the facts; homeschooling moms need an outlet and sometimes a shoulder to cry on or someone to bounce ideas off of. When you see Mrs. Homeschool Mom you may envision a perfectly clean home, well organized schedule, obedient and excelling children and suddenly feel subpar. When you begin to fellowship with other homeschoolers you will learn that all homeschoolers have challenges, dirty dishes, and on again off again schedules. It is nice to have the support of other homeschooling parents on an emotional level.
Sharing Curriculum: Since most homeschooling homes are one income households the cost of education can be a burden for some. Many co-ops offer curriculum sharing or curriculum fairs where you can find what you need at a low price.
Dispersing the weight of education: Having the full weight of your child’s education on your shoulders is quite a responsibility. For some this responsibility can be overwhelming and homeschool co-ops offer support in this area. Many co-ops offer core classes taught by former teachers or experts in the field they are teaching. While the parent is still ultimately responsible it is nice to have someone else to guide you through this process and help teach your child.
Benefits to the Homeschooled Student:
Learn from Others: Homeschoolers tailor make education to suit the individual student. Tailor made education is highly effective and beneficial to the student. However, there comes a time when the student needs to learn to transition from his comfort zone. A student benefits from learning from other teachers who challenge the student to adjust to learning from a different point of view or method.
Socialization: The question of socialization is still being asked and is tirelessly being answered by many homeschoolers. The homeschool co-op is just one more way for a child to interact with other children and gain friendships and fellowship.
Group Projects: Students enjoy working together to create a project, play, or science experiment. Learning to cooperate and coordinate with others is an important skill which benefits all students involved.
Learning from other Students: Often children learn best from other children. Homeschool co-ops often provide an avenue for tutoring from other students. The student tutor also benefits from this arrangement by reinforcing the skills he has learned.