One of the things I always dreaded doing when I was in the workforce outside of my home was a self-evaluation. Many employers now require that not only do they give an appraisal of your work but you give one of yourself.
My last job outside of the home was as a preschool teacher. I remember being handed a four-page self-evaluation form to fill out and inside, groaning. You find yourself in a real struggle. If you give yourself a higher rating it may sound like you are being prideful. If you give yourself a lower rating it may sound like you don’t know what you are doing.
While we may actually prefer that someone else evaluate us, there are some real benefits to self-evaluations. This is especially true if you have a home business because there is no one available to do it for you.
A self-evaluation gives you the opportunity to stop and pause. You are probably just trucking along at your work, not giving much thought to how you are doing. You may have grown into a comfortable routine and you feel pretty confident. However there may be things you are missing, things that need tweaking or improvement.
A self-evaluation causes you to stop and really take note of what you are doing. Are there things that you could improve? Are there things you are doing that are nothing more than time wasters? How would you rate your performance? How would you rate your customer service? These are just some of the questions you may ask yourself.
Another benefit to a self-evaluation is that it gives you a moment to stop and consider your future goals. What do you hope to accomplish in the next month or year? Where do you want to see your business go?
I found a great self-evaluation form that anyone can use. What I like about this one is that it can apply not only to your career but your personal life as well. I really encourage anyone who has a home business to perform a self-evaluation. At the very least, take one annually but you might want to consider taking one every six months or every quarter.
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