There are many different types of asanas in yoga and each has its own unique benefits. Seated poses offer a wide range of benefits, and the physical and emotional benefits vary depending on the specific pose.
The seated asanas include a broad range of poses. Some commonly used seated poses in yoga classes and yoga DVDs include boat pose, seated twists, bound angle pose, cow face, flowering lotus, half lotus, hero, seated forward bend, revolved head to knee and more.
Seated poses benefit the spine in several ways. In seated yoga poses, the spine is kept straight, which helps to stretch the spine and surrounding muscles and seated poses help to release tension and increase flexibility of the spine. A well rounded practice that includes stretching and twisting helps improve the posture of the spine, which decreases pain and improves alignment and flexibility.
Yoga helps to relax the entire body. This can help with relaxation, stress relief and sleeping at night. When the spine and surrounding muscles are relaxed, it’s easy to release tension and relax the mind and body. This is the reason meditation is performed in a seated position.
Seated yoga poses help to strengthen and tone the core muscles of the back and abdomen. Using a variety of yoga poses, such as twists, boat pose and seated bends help to tone the abdominal muscles, lower back, oblique and upper thighs. That’s why seated poses are often found in yoga DVDs for the core.
To gain the full benefits of the seated poses, you should include several different types of seated poses in your practice. For example, try to include seated twists, boat pose and bound angle pose to get the full range of benefits. Most types of yoga classes include a good mix of seated asanas.