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Benefits Over Features

One of the biggest mistakes even large businesses make in their promotions and marketing materials is to focus on the “features” of the business, without exposing all the “benefits” that the products or services have to offer. It is a common mistake, but also one that can be easily fixed…

Features are simply things that your business does; things that your products or services are and do. For example, stating that you have 14 different kinds of widgets is a feature of your business, as is stating that you are open seven days a week. In order to be a “benefit” you have to think of the ways your business can affect and improve the lives of your customers and prospects.

Do you have after-hours services or delivery? How will your products or service change, improve, and alter the lives of your customers or clients? Will it make them healthier, happier, wealthier, give them peace of mind, etc.? You can see how a benefit really gets down to something more personal and emotion, while a feature can be a rather typical element of doing business.

If you are designing marketing materials or a web site or even just talking to a customer or prospect about why they should choose your business, try to stay away from the features—this is one of the reasons that testimonials and client quotes work so well in marketing, they usually stress the benefits of a business, product, or service—showing first-hand how an individual’s life has been affected by a purchase. If you are having a hard time determining if something you are using in your promotions is a feature or a benefit, ask yourself if it differentiates your business, would make you want to make a purchase, and whether it has the potential to “add” to someone’s life.

Also: Ask Yourself, “How Does This Help My Business?”

You May Need to Provide a Motivation for the Buyer to Purchase