According to the experts men are notoriously bad about going to the doctors. Even as I write this, I am aware it is a generalization and therefore suspect.
A doctor I heard about recently has tried to combat the problem by introducing a man friendly waiting room. He’s thrown out all the women’s magazines and replaced them with fishing and motoring magazines. He always has the TV tuned into the Sports channel. When Mick heard about it he was horrified at the stereotyping. ‘Who said guys are only interested in fishing and cars?’ Mick is not into either.
It’s the same way when people start to talk football they think only guys will be interested. Excuse me! I’m as passionate about football as Mick. In fact I’m the one introduced him to AFL – Australian Football. When my son-in-law and I get together we can happily talk football for ages.
Beware of stereotyping your husband too. Don’t assume because something is a chick flick, he won’t be interested. Mick and I have watched lots of chick flick movies together. One of the latest being Leap Year which we both enjoyed. A good romantic comedy without the usual language and obligatory sex scenes, it was just good fun. It’s a good movie for a romantic evening in together.
Other women will quite happily watch boy movies. You know what I mean, the action flicks. My daughter will and I’ve been known to watch them too, as long as they don’t include large hairy spiders.
I fell into the trap stereotypical trap myself a while back assuming my daughter-in-law had made the card for Mick for Father’s Day. But no, our son made it. The thing is I should have known better as Mick is the card maker in our family. So, what I’m saying is don’t assume your spouse won’t like something because that’s the way the stereotype goes. Be brave enough to make suggestions that will break them and you out of the stereotype. They might just surprise you.
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