When buying a bike, if it does not “fit”, then chances are you will be uncomfortable while riding and increase the risk of injury. The last thing you want is to head out for a peaceful ride, enjoying the countryside only to awaken the next morning with sore knees, elbows, and back. Today, we see more and more women getting involved with bike riding, both on a personal and competitive level. Regardless of the type of riding you enjoy, having a bike that fits is essential to optimal enjoyment.
Now, the first step is of course purchasing a bike frame that matches your height and body type best. However, you also want the features of the bike to provide adjustment. For instance, you want a seat (saddle) that can be adjusted. In addition, the pedals and handlebars should be adjustable. Remember, the type of riding you do, the shoes you wear, your bike clothing, and the load you carry will all make a difference in your position on the bike. Therefore, while riding around the block a few times, you may be content with one seat or handlebar setting but if you plan to ride for miles, you might want to make an adjustment for more comfort.
Typically, making the adjustments is quick and easy. When you purchase your bike, you will be provided with instructions that walk you through the process. However, if you are unsure of what adjustments should be made, you can always take your bike to a professional bike shop and have the salesperson help. If you take your bike in, we recommend you wear the clothing and shoes you generally wear while riding so the proper adjustment can be made. Although a professional adjustment can run anywhere from $25 to $50, it might be worth the small investment to avoid pain or injury.
For some reason, there is a little controversy when it comes to proper bike adjustments. However, the key is to get adjustments that fit your body, what feels right to you. This means if the bike shop professional makes an adjustment, but after riding the bike, you find you are not happy with the way the bike feels and handles, take it back. At this time, there should be no charge for a second adjustment. You want every bike experience to be a good one and with the proper adjustments, it can be.