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Birthday Parties on a Budget (1)

birthday parties, frugal, budgetThere are several ways to throw a birthday party on a budget. You don’t have to go broke trying to throw a great party for your child. Typically if all the children at the party have FUN, the party was a success.

This does not have to be done by bowling alleys and swimming pools (unless it’s in your backyard). You do not have to hire magicians, and bouncy structures for your yard.

Of course you can if you want to, but if you are like me and tend to be on the more frugal side (with five kids’ parties a year we have to be!) then you learn to budget and plan a party and save at the same time!

One of the first tips I’m going to give you today, is simply to “ask your friends”. Sometimes your friends have talents or hobbies that can help with your parties. For me, my friend makes the most amazing birthday cakes, and all it costs me is the cost of the ingredients to make the cake. Her cakes are amazing and she can do just about anything I could want!

I’m a scrapbooker, and when my friend threw a party for her daughter’s girl scout troop, along I came to teach them how to make an album to commemorate their special day. It was great because I enjoyed the time with the girls and they loved the albums they made. I was honored she asked me too.

Another friend is talented when it comes to crafts. She has all boys, so it’s fun for her because she gets to do “girly” crafts with all her friends’ little girls, but she has a whole wealth of crafts that boys find fun.

My neighbor is a huge sports fan. He was easy to involve in games and such. So just look around, and ask your friends if they can help you. They might not be able to actually do the “work” but they might give you ideas and help you along the way.

There are several additional ways you can cut costs when planning a party.

Please see the article Birthday Parties on a Budget (2) for additional ideas.