In honor of the multitude of parents who read our forums and enjoy our blogs and for the multicultural families who adopt their infants, toddlers and children from around the world, I wanted to do a tribute to birthday traditions from around the world. This week, my nephew will turn a year old. It is so hard to believe that he’s been with us for a year and yet at the same time, it feels like he’s always been a part of the fabric of our lives.
According to old traditions in Thailand, the parents purchase as many birds or fish as the child is years in age. They often times add an extra fish or bird as there is one to grow on. The child then sprinkles blessed water on the creatures and on their birthday releases the birds to fly free or the fish into the water to swim free. The purpose is to ensure the favor of the gods for the next year of their lives.
In China, a baby’s birthday is celebrated when he or she achieves thirty days old and then again when they reach the first anniversary of their birth. After that, the birthday is not considered remarkable until their 10th. A celebration is held on every tenth anniversary after that, with the really big one being their 30th birthday when a child is considered to have achieved adulthood.
Sri Lanka
A Sri Lankan baby celebrates their first birthday celebration at the age of 31 days old. Customarily, a close relative will give the baby a special gift and the parents may also present the baby with a charm or scroll. These charms are worn for the rest of the child’s life.
In India, a Hindu child does not have to go to school on their birthday. The day is considered so special they are required to do nothing for it is a day to be observed in prayer and celebration.
Nigerians still follow the old tribal customs of celebrating their birthdays in age groups. This tradition dates back to a time period when they didn’t have a calendar for marking days. Instead, they marked their anniversaries by special events in history. People born during these times would be grouped together and this age group would all celebrate their birthdays as a group.
Are there any special traditions that you observe on a birthday?
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