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Birthright Israel

For young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 to 26, the organization of Birthright Israel gives them the opportunity to visit Israel for free. The program is considered a combined gift from the local Jewish Federations and communities throughout the United Jewish Communities, Keren Hayesod and The Jewish Agency for Israel.

What is the big deal about going to Israel?

Because Judaism is such a historic culture, thousands of people visit each year. Many who visits decide to stay and make aliyah (to become an official Israeli citizen).

Birthright is a 10 day program allowing individuals to explore Israel and their Jewish heritage. All fees and expenses are covered for those 10 days. If an individual decides they want to stay in Israel after the 10 days, then they incur the cost of the continuation of their trip and flight.

This year, Birthright has reached over 100,000 individuals they have taken to Israel with their program.

The more visitors to Israel, the stronger the country becomes. Many participants in Birthright, once in Israel, apply to other programs so they can spend a longer time. One program like Livnot is a very popular one.

Individuals can also visit the universities like Hebrew U if they are considering returning to take college courses. Being able to speak Hebrew helps but no necessary as many Israeliā€™s speak English.

For more information about Birthright programs, visit their website at www.birthrightisrael.com