Every year, I have this little inner struggle with myself. Do I go shopping on Black Friday or not? I haven’t quite mastered the strategy of going in to buy one movie and not coming out with a HDTV. Black Friday is a real temptation.
Take for example last evening. My sister-in-law mentioned a certain new Disney movie that my daughter has been asking and asking for. Normally, this movie sells for $30, but with Black Friday prices, I may be able to have it for $3.99. So, this morning, after I left everyone else asleep in their turkey comas to get up and feed the cats (who do not, unfortunately, have turkey comas), I hopped online to check out the deal. All of the Black Friday movie specials were gone, but I could purchase an alternative version for $29.99. Um no.
Next, being disappointed, I clicked over to another website, where yes, there was a deal on the movie for only $10, more than the $3.99, but still less than full price. The catch? I would have to pay another $7 in shipping, making the deal not so great. I could also purchase more stuff. With a $50 minimum, shipping would be free. That would also mean that I would be buying stuff I didn’t originally think we needed, and my bank account would be lighter. It is too tempting to buy, buy, buy.
Of course, I could also brave (hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) the actual retail store for the movie to save shipping, but really, was there any hope of it actually being there, since said store opened at 8pm on Thanksgiving itself and probably only stocked three actual movies at that price (miraculously, there will be another 50 movies available at full price tomorrow). Darn you Black Friday.
For all of your Black Friday warriors out there, I salute you. Good job and keep going little soldiers. I’m still sitting this one out.
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