As most of the readers know, Courtney has written a few articles
on why she chooses to be married without children. In her most recent article she discusses how it always came across to her that her birth caused a lot of disruption in the life of her family.
Anyone that has had a baby can tell you that children do change a lot of things. However not everyone feels that this change is negative. In fact it can be very rewarding and joyous for most people.
There are many times when mothers and fathers will become frustrated and stressed with their children. However many would not change their life for the anything.
The area of your life that is most likely to be disrupted by children is the relationship with your spouse. Children can put a strain on the time that you get to spend with your mate. Children can consume you’re the time and energy that once was put into your marriage.
Therefore it is very wise to think closely about whether or not you are willing to make those sacrifices before you have children.
Because Courtney discussed how her parents and family made her feel about her birth. I began thinking about how many divorces are blamed on the children. I have heard divorcing couples comment on how the marriage was good until the children came along. While it is definitely not fair to blame the children, it is done.
Often, the wife no longer takes time to make her husband feel special and the husband becomes resentful of the time that is being put into caring for the children.
Just like the discussions that take place before marriage, couples need to also talk before having children. They need to discuss how they will manage their time private time together. They should discuss how each will help out to prevent one person from doing all of the work. They need to discuss how they expect their lives to change after children.