In her talk “An Outpouring of Blessings,” Sister Julie B. Beck of the Young Women’s Presidency talks about how the priesthood blesses each of us equally. Sister Beck speaks of the ordinances that we each have the opportunity of participating in because of the priesthood. She talked about baptism, and the blessings of partaking of the sacrament. She also spoke of temple blessings and of blessings for the healing of the sick. She says this:
“Priesthood blessings are the great equalizer. Those blessings are the same for men and women, for boys and girls; they are the same for married and single, rich and poor, for the intellectual and the illiterate, for the well-known and the obscure.
I am grateful that through the infinite fairness and love of God, all men and women were given equal partnership, gifts, blessings, and potential through priesthood ordinances and spiritual gifts. Because of the priesthood, which is woven in and around and through our lives, every power, every covenant we need to do our life’s work and walk back to our heavenly home has been poured out upon our heads.”
This is a wonderful talk because Sister Beck demonstrates that all the blessings are available to every member of the church who lives worthily. It doesn’t matter if you are born rich or poor, you can still partake of the blessings that the priesthood has to offer.
I am personally grateful for the priesthood. It has blessed my life as I have been married in the temple. I am also grateful for the chance I have to partake of the Sacrament each week, and renew my covenants with the Lord. I know that each person can experience those same blessings if they choose to. It is wonderful to know that the way back to Heavenly Father is available to each and every one of us, as we strive to do what is right, and learn of Him.