I have found working from home to be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes the very things that are blessings can also be a curse. Let me explain.
This past Monday my son was home sick. He really needed to get into the doctor. It was a blessing that I was able to be home with him and take him to the doctor. The curse was that because I did take him to the doctor and it took away three hours of work time, my day on Tuesday got screwed up.
Tuesday I already had plans made to meet someone for coffee to discuss some things about the ministry I head at our church. It was a blessing to be able to go and do this but it was a curse because my schedule was already screwed up from Monday and that was playing into how my day went Tuesday.
It is a blessing that I am home and can keep on top of the news, as my favorite news station plays silently in the background. It is a curse because sometimes I get wrapped up in the stories and stop working to watch.
It is a blessing that I can take care of my home and stay on top of things since I am always here. It is a curse because sometimes those things draw me away from getting important work done.
It is a blessing that I am available to my children at any time they need me. It can be a curse when they need me a hundred times a day and I have a deadline to meet.
So you see, with anything there are blessings and curses. I don’t have the perfect job but I do have the most ideal. Some people mistakenly think that because I work from home I get to just sail through life and get the best of both worlds. Sometimes the best of both words can be an obstacle.
So before you make any changes to your career, no matter if you work inside or outside the home…take time to consider what some of the blessings and curses may be.
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