When you have a name like Cruella DeVille, chances are you aren’t a particularly nice person. Everyone’s favorite canine assassin is back to her old tricks again in “102 Dalmatians”.

In 102 Dalmatians someone has released Cruella from prison, with the understanding that she will no longer try to use puppies for clothing. Of course Cruella can not live up to this promise (she’s Cruella DeVille after all) and she begins a plot for a new fur coat made out of Dalmatian fur. This year hoods are in fashion so she decides she needs 102 Dalmatians rather than 101 in order to have enough fur for the hood as well.
I general I don’t think the live action versions of these movies are nearly as good as the animated ones. One of the good things about the animated versions of the films was that the dogs all had speaking parts. The live action dogs don’t talk, so you really have a hard time connecting with them.
As I remember it this particular version of the movie didn’t do very well. With no real characters to identify with except a woman who wants to make a coat out of dogs it can be hard to really get into the film.
102 Dalmatians is rated G and is written to be geared toward an elementary school audience. I think that the whole concept of a woman looking to make a coat out of dogs could be pretty frightening for younger children however. While the animated classic covers the same subject matter, there is a huge difference between seeing a cartoon lady who wants to make a dog coat, and a real woman who is going after real dogs.
102 Dalmatians is available to purchase where ever you buy DVDs or online at Amazon.com.