Since I have come home to work, I have done a variety of jobs, and the steadiest income from those jobs has been from blogging. There are a lot of people who make a heck of a lot more than I do from blogging (think six figures here) but although I may not make the most, I think I still have lots to share with anyone who is looking into getting into the blogging business themselves. The more I learn, the more surprised I am at how much I didn’t know when I first got started. I stumbled around pretty aimlessly at the beginning, and I had to learn some things the hard way. I want to save you, my readers, from that. So for the next couple of weeks, I will be focusing on blogging, and doing a (hopefully) helpful and indepth introductory series on the subject.
The emphasis is on “introductory.” I know that there are a lot of blogs that are dedicated to this subject exclusively, and I don’t think that my short series on the subject will in any way, shape, or form be as comprehensive as those blogs. But those blogs are also aimed at people who are already blogging for a living, and who know all of the ins and outs when it comes to blogging. If I had read those blogs when I first started out, I would have been completely overwhelmed and confused (you want me to what? What is an RSS feed anyway?) and I wouldn’t have gotten much out of it. So this series is dedicated to the former me, who wouldn’t have known SEO if it had come and bit me on the tush. I’ll be writing the info that I wish I had read when I first started out, because it would have saved me countless hours of frustration and tears if I had.
As I did with my other series I have written on here, such as transcription or courthouse research, I am going to set this page up as the page that lists all of the blogs in the series in it (the index for the series.) I will be adding to this page as I write more blogs on the topic.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or ideas, feel free to either leave them in the comment section below, or e-mail me at Hava L {at} Families dot com. Thanks for reading!
Blogging Posts
Blogging as a Business, Part One
Blogging as a Business, Part Two
Should I Blog for Myself or for a Company?
Control Over Your Blog and Income – Another Plus for Personal Blogs
The Downsides to Having a Personal Blog