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Blooming in the Right Place

While I sat having lunch today I looked out at our garden, which is starting to look more like our own, as we eliminate the white flowering plants leaving only the plants we like, interspersed with some new additions. Before me I saw flowering orange day lilies, red impatiens, blue hydrangea, blue agapanthus, blue plumbago. No prizes for guessing my favorite color and I particularly like blue flowers. The blue is interspersed with pink geraniums. After years, my husband has finally come round to the idea that a geranium is not a weed.

Starting to twine over the archway we have crimson mandevilla, which heads towards the lemon and lime trees shooting out their tiny lemons and limes. Towards the back fence are three lavender and purple buddleia which we struck from plants in our garden in Orange, potted and then transplanted.

On the other side of the back yard my husband has the vegetable corner, dug the week after we moved in and planted soon after. Now we have corn which is just about ready to pick, silver beet and zucchinis which grow faster than we can use them. The beans have started climbing up the wire and my husband had to put cages around the pumpkins and cucumbers to contain them. Mushrooms are growing, snow peas are flowering and the lettuce and tomatoes should be ready by Christmas -a feat we could not even imagine when we lived in Orange. Because of the cold winters, plants could not be planted till well after the frosts had gone. Judging that was an inexact science at best.

Now, my husband is enjoying having a garden where plants prosper and we thank God for bringing us here. Like the plants in our garden, even the ones we transplanted, we feel we are starting to blossom too, even if some people might call us late bloomers.☺

It comes from knowing we are in the place God has called us to and the church God has called us to. Last week we were in Sydney and we both missed being at our own church among people we have so quickly grown to love. No, our church isn’t perfect, any more than we are, but it is a family of caring Christians who have quickly welcomed us into that family. God brought us to the right place and the right church at the right time. What a great God we have. We’re delighted to be able to serve Him here.

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