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Body-for-Life Day #5 Training: Upper Body

Although the exercises are the same as the workout from Day #1, this workout should be just a little different. You’ll find that the exercises are a little bit easier every time you do them. You’ll also find that you are capable of using more weight. Perhaps not today but eventually you’ll start gaining muscle and find that the weights you began with just aren’t as challenging any more.

Most women are hesitant to start weight training. If you are one of them, there are some very important things that you should be aware of:

1. Muscle burns fat.

This means that the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolism will be. If you don’t start eating extra food to make up for the gain in metabolic rate, your body will start breaking down fat for the extra energy it needs.

2. Muscle takes up less space than fat.

Muscle is far more dense than fat so if you were to put a pound of muscle and a pound of fat side by side, the pound of muscle would be smaller. This means that as you gain muscle, although you may see a temporary gain or plateau in weight loss, your measurements (like hips, waist, buttocks and thighs) will become smaller.

3. Muscle doesn’t jiggle!

Yes, that’s right. Muscle doesn’t jiggle. No bat wings. No thunder thighs. No ghetto booty. The more muscle you have, the less fat you’ll have and the closer you’ll get to looking like a Victoria’s Secret model.

4. Women don’t bulk up.

You read that right. Women don’t get bulky when they lift weights and gain muscle. In fact, they start having their curves in all the right places instead of bulges in all the wrong places. The only way a woman will get freaky, huge, bulky muscles is if she takes steroids. Lift without the steroids and you’re going to look fantastic!

Now go to the kitchen cupboard and get a couple cans of beans and start your workout! You’ll be done in 46 minutes!

Related Blogs:

Body-for-Life Foods

Body-for-Life Workouts

Body-for-Life and Weight Loss

Lisa Pietsch is a regular Families.com Blogger on Weight Loss. You can read more of her blogs by clicking here.