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Body for Life Support Groups

My blog yesterday talked about all the free media out there to help you get through the Body-for-Life Challenge. I’ve got good news for you: there is even more!

There are 407 Body-for-Life groups at Yahoo Groups. You can see them all here.

Granted, some of these groups are very large but chances are that there is a Body-for-Life group there that is perfect for you. There are groups for certain age groups, geographic locations, men, women, particular interests and more.

One of the greatest keys to making your weight loss efforts successful is to have additional outside support. Now whether that is a local support group that meets regularly with weigh-ins or an online support group, it really doesn’t matter. What matters most is that you have contact with other people who are trying to accomplish similar goals. These people will provide you with personal support by propping you up when you’re feeling low and you can feel better about yourself and your efforts by propping them up as well. A support group is your safety net when you’re walking that crazy highwire between chocolate cake and grilled chicken breast.

As I mentioned yesterday, we do have a forum here at Families.com specifically for those of us taking the challenge in 2008. I’ll continue to post links to the associated Body-for-Life blogs there so that you don’t miss a thing plus you’ll be able to chat with and get support from others here at Families.com who are participating in the challenge with you.

If you’ve decided to take the challenge (and I hope you have), please stop by the forum here at Families.com and introduce yourself. Tell us about where you are now and where you hope to be in 12 weeks. If you feel comfortable enough, tell us how you got where you are and why you hope to change. Please visit the Families.com Body-for-Life Forum here.

Related Links:

Listen to Bill Phillips’ Free Podcasts

Buy Body for Life

Visit BodyforLife.com

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