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Body-for-Life Workout Day #1

We’re ready to start the Body-for-Life program!

If you haven’t started with the initial Day #1 instructions in the Weight Loss Blog, please click here. Every day will begin with the Weight Loss Blog and link to the next day’s workout (in the Fitness Blog) as well as the day’s food tip in the Food Blog.

The great thing about the Body-for-Life program is that you don’t need to join a gym to participate. In fact, you can do every workout in the privacy and comfort of your own home without the hassle of having to join a gym, pay monthly membership fees, figure out who will watch the kids or any of the associated hassles.

I’ve attached a workout sheet for your first day’s workout. There is no need to buy expensive exercise equipment or a weight bench. You can do every one of these exercises with weights that you’ll find in your kitchen cupboard. Since you can do this at home, you have no excuse not to do the workout!

Yes, that is right!

Go to your kitchen cupboard and grab two cans of beans, or whatever you have handy, and use them for your starting weights. As you get stronger, you can choose heavier cans. Another option is using two half-gallon milk jugs. Just add water to them equally until they are a challenging weight for you. When you get really buff, you can use gallon sized jugs!

For complete instructions on how to execute today’s exercises properly, just visit the Body-for-Life website and see the exercise demonstrations here.

Remember that weight training workouts should take no longer than 45 minutes each. If you haven’t finished your workout in 45 minutes or less you need to put the weights away anyway. Eventually you get proficient enough to get the whole workout done in the allotted time but, until then, drop the weights at 45 minutes.

Body-for-Life Day #1

Body-for-Life Day #1 Food Tip

Body-for-Life Day #1 Workout

Lisa Pietsch is a regular Families.com Blogger on Weight Loss. You can read more of her blogs by clicking here.