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Body for Life Workout Day #3

I used to think that a good leg workout necessitated heavy duty equipment like a squat sled and a calf press machine. Then I discovered that a great leg workout can be had at home, or anywhere for that matter, without any specialized equipment at all.

Day #3 on Body-for-Life calls for weight training for the lower body (abdominals and legs) and can be easily done at home. I’ve included the Progress Report with this blog for your convenience. Following are the exercises I suggest you try on day #3 and how you can use common household items to add a little variety to each of them.

The best way to start these exercises is with your own body weight. You can add extra weight to challenge yourself as you progress and gain more muscle.

Dumbell Squats: A great way to make sure you keep proper form on this exercise is to hold a broomstick across your shoulders. Once you get the form down and can do a whole series easily, you should add weight by holding canned goods in each hand or even milk jugs with water added for weight.

Leg Press: Lie on your back and balance a kitchen chair on the soles of your feet for this one. Keep the chair balanced by holding on to the front legs. The act of balancing the chair will call in all your muscles and make this exercise very effective. If you really want a challenge, have a child lie across the soles of your feet and hold their hands. Not only will you have to lift the extra weight but you’ll need to balance a squirming kid too! (Remember safety and do this on a mattress if you’re pressing a kid in the air!)

Dumbell Lunges: Until you’ve got the proper form down, feel free to keep one hand on the back of a kitchen chair or a doorknob to keep your balance on this exercise. Once you have the form down and need a challenge, use canned goods in each hand for added weight.

Straight-Leg Deadlifts: Hold a broomstick until you get the proper form down. When you need more of a challenge, use canned goods in each hand.

Angled and Standing Calf Raises: Feel free to hold on to the back of a chair to keep your balance on this one. When you’re ready for a challenge, hold canned goods or water filled milk or water bottles in each hand.

Floor Crunches: I once had a dog that liked to lie on my stomach when I did these. That added a whole lot of extra resistance to the exercise. These can generally be done without added resistance though.

Bent-Knee Leg Raises: The best and most fun way to do this exercise is to find a small child that likes to pretend he’s flying. My son loves to be the added weight on my lower legs on this one! (Remember safety and do this on a mattress if you use a child for added weight.)

For video demonstrations of each exercise, visit the Body-for-Life website here.

Enjoy your workout!

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Body-for-Life Workout Day #3

Lisa Pietsch is a regular Families.com Blogger on Weight Loss. You can read more of her blogs by clicking here.