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Body-for-Life Workout, Day #4

Taking the Stairs

Most of us have a set of stairs somewhere in or near our home. Generally, we look at them as a minor inconvenience but now it is time for us to look at them as a great new opportunity! Climbing stairs is a great exercise for the calves, thighs, hips and glutes. Calves, thighs, hips and glutes just happen to be the biggest muscle group that most women need to shape up. Yes, forget about the abs for now, let’s shape up those hideous hips and bulky booty that we all avoid looking at and try to cover with long, oversized shirts every day!

So, find yourself a set of stairs (or even a set of bleachers at a nearby school) and lace up your sneakers for a great 20-minute aerobic workout. It doesn’t matter if your staircase has only 3 steps or 300. You can even get a good workout with just one step. In fact, if you want to do this workout in your living room on a cinder block in front of The Bold and the Beautiful you can do that too!

You should have already done a 20-minute Body-for-Life aerobic workout on Day #2 so you should be getting used to using a clock and the intensity scale. Increasing your intensity when doing stairs would just mean picking up the pace and doing them faster. Whether you are going up or down the stairs doesn’t really matter. You’ll work different muscles on the way up than you will on the way down so you’ll be giving your legs a complete workout. Just be sure to do this safely and don’t go so fast that you trip and fall down the stairs. That could certainly put a crimp in your workout plans for the next couple weeks.

For more information on how the intensity scale works in the Body-for-Life aerobic workout, please visit this link at the Body-for-Life website.

Related Blogs:

Body-for-Life Workout, Day #4

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Lisa Pietsch is a regular Families.com Blogger on Weight Loss. You can read more of her blogs by clicking here.