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Book Focus: Ten Apples Up on Top

Book: Ten Apples Up on Top

Author: Dr. Seuss

Age recommendation: 4-8

Book Synopsis:

A lion, a dog, and a tiger are having a contest–can they get ten apples piled up on top of their heads? You better believe it! This first counting book works as a teaching tool as well as a funny story. (per Barnes and Noble)

Purchase HERE.

Ten Apples Up on Top is a delightful book and one of my children’s favorite bedtime stories. I have spent many nights reading this book over the years. The book is full of fun content to plan a simple lesson plan around for preschoolers. Here are some lessons you can use to enhance your time reading Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss.


Number Site Words: You can use this printable to help make with your site word activities. Cut out the apples and provide counters. Read the first card and ask your child to count out that many with the counters. Then have your child count out the proper amount of counters for each card you hold up without telling the child what the card says. You can play a matching game by making cards with number words and cards with the corresponding amount of dots. Have your child match the number word card to the number of dots card.

ABC’s: You can use apple cut outs from an educational store for this activity. With a marker write down letters in upper case or lower case on each card. Have your child put the cards in order from A to Z or in smaller increments like every ten. In addition, you can have your child match the lower case letters to the upper case letters.

A for Apple: For young children teaching the letter “A” is a great first step. Use foam letters, sticker letters, cut outs, or printables to teach letter recognition.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.