When I heard about the book, “A Woman’s Power: Threads That Bind Us to God” by Fay A. Klingler, I jumped on the chance to read it. My life right now seems chaotic, and disorganized. Having a new baby in the house for the third time has turned my world upside down. I don’t have a lot of spiritual time to myself, and I was grateful for the opportunity to read a book that I was hoping would give me a spiritual boost. And it did.
Fay Klingler shares some of her own life experiences as well as experiences of others that have helped herself and other women feel more bound to their Heavenly Father. Her book speaks of the threads that can bind each of us to God in a way to give us power in our own lives and feel more secure, safe, and peaceful.
These threads that she speaks of are as follows:
Identity (Knowing that we are daughters of God)
The Word of God (Scripture Study)
Goal Setting
Supporting Each Other
As Latter-Day Saint Women, we already know that we should be doing most of these things, but her stories and analogies give us a different perspective on how these “threads” can help us become closer to our Heavenly Father.
She states in her book regarding facing trials, “When we are faced with hard times, we can avoid the temptation to say to ourselves, “ I can’t do this. I give up.” We must not question whether or not we can handle it. Just ask ourselves, “How am I going to handle it?” Making sure that we know that we are Daughters of God will help us know that we are entitled to His guidance.
She speaks of the importance of prayer and communicating with our Heavenly Father and having complete trust in a Heavenly Father that will not lead us astray. She shares a powerful story from her own life when she was a young mother and followed a prompting with blind faith, not really knowing what it meant. She was blessed with being in the right place at the right time.
When speaking of scripture study, she compares studying the scriptures with daily exercise. Exercise can help us feel more rejuvenated and aware. So can reading the scriptures. If we can just make the commitment to read everyday, then we will constantly have the scriptures on our minds which will help us be more aware of the Lord’s will for us.
One of my favorite take away quotes from her book was regarding setting righteous goals and accomplishing them. She states, “We have to make the good thing feel familiar before it can feel good.” I love that! So many times when setting our goals, we give up easily because we are either not in the habit and it doesn’t feel familiar, or it doesn’t feel good to us yet because it is not a habit. I have experienced this so many times with my own scripture study. But, it applies to any goal that we are trying to reach.
This book is a great reminder of the power that we have as women. But, more importantly the power we have when we lean on the Lord and hang on to the threads that she outlines in her book. The book will inspire you to strengthen your relationship with your Heavenly Father and lean on Him so that you can reach your full potential as a daughter of God.