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Book Review: Mom Overboard

Mom Overboard : 12 Lifesavers for Moms Who’d Rather Swim Than Sink, is a great little book. The message of the book is simple– God has a plan and purpose for you and when you find out what it is, you will be able to “climb aboard the S.S. Sanity— and stay there.”

Robin Chaddock is the author and she writes this book from a deeply spiritual perspective with an emphasis on what she calls the 12 lifesavers. They include: the self-care lifesaver, the listening lifesaver, the play lifesaver and the yes and no lifesaver.

In combination these lifesavers teach women how to make the best choices for themselves and their family, learn what activities promote their family’s goals, know when to say yes and when to say no, handle the ups and downs of being a mom, create stronger relationships with family and friends, how to listen and be heard and how to allow time for yourself to relax and play.

This is a pro-active book, with assignments at the end of each chapter. They’re called Search and Rescue and relate to the message presented in each chapter. For instance, in chapter 15, The Yes and No Rescue , the author tells readers to:

Name a time when you said yes and you felt peaceful about it. Name a time when you said yes and you should have said no. How did you feel about that?

There are also assignments for the week. For instance in the chapter mentioned above, your assignment is to:

Run every request for your time, talent, and money through the filter of your Divine Assignment (explained in the book). What happens when you do this?

I don’t know about you but I like books that make me reflect and also put into action what I’ve read. Otherwise what’s the point? Other sections of the book I like include chapters on forgiveness, laughter and play. So if you’re a mother who feels like you’re going down with the ship, grab a hold of Mom Overboard , it just might be the lifesaver you need.