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Book Review: You’re Not My REAL Mother!

“You’re Not My REAL Mother!” is one adoptive mother’s answer to the remark that most adopted kids probably make at one time or another.

Molly Friedrich’s is a mother of four, including a daughter adopted from Vietnam and a son adopted from Guatemala. This book, You’re Not My REAL Mother! is her first book and is based on the answer she gave her daughter when she made the dreaded declaration. Friedrich “took a deep breath and thought fast”.

The book’s approach is for the adoptive mother to say, “of course I am, my darling! Does a real mother [have tea parties? Teach you to say please and thank you? Teach you to count your toes? Let you help in the kitchen? Drive a long way to retrieve your teddy bear? Hug you and smother you with kisses?]

You get the idea. Some birthmothers who commented on book review sites were upset that the book speaks only of the adoptive mother as the “real mother”. They feel that the book negates the realness of the birthparent’s role.

The book does mention the birth mother when the little girl says, “I know you love me, Mom. But why don’t you look like me?”

The mother responds, “I don’t look like you because I’m not your birthmother.”

“Who’s that?

“Your birthmother is the mother who gave birth to you. She started your life, and I am thankful to her every day for that.


“Because I get to watch you grow!”

I also would have preferred to reinforce that the birthmother and foster mother acted as real mothers to my daughter. I long ago acknowledged that she has had three mothers.

(I also think it’s a bit weird that the girl hadn’t heard the term birthmother before. It our family it’s come up naturally since before the kids knew what the word meant.)

After this, the girl names other things she does with her mom, and then agrees that mom is her “bandage-putting, firefly-catching, kiss-smothering, halfway-son-singing REAL MOTHER!”

This is the first book by Friedrich, who is a mother of four, including a daughter adopted from Vietnam and a son from Guatemala.

Please see these related blogs:

Will You Call Me Mommy?

Labor Day

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About Pam Connell

Pam Connell is a mother of three by both birth and adoption. She has worked in education, child care, social services, ministry and journalism. She resides near Seattle with her husband Charles and their three children. Pam is currently primarily a Stay-at-Home-Mom to Patrick, age 8, who was born to her; Meg, age 6, and Regina, age 3, who are biological half-sisters adopted from Korea. She also teaches preschoolers twice a week and does some writing. Her activities include volunteer work at school, church, Cub Scouts and a local Birth to Three Early Intervention Program. Her hobbies include reading, writing, travel, camping, walking in the woods, swimming and scrapbooking. Pam is a graduate of Seattle University and Gonzaga University. Her fields of study included journalism, religious education/pastoral ministry, political science and management. She served as a writer and editor of the college weekly newspaper and has been Program Coordinator of a Family Resource Center and Family Literacy Program, Volunteer Coordinator at a church, Religion Teacher, Preschool Teacher, Youth Ministry Coordinator, Camp Counselor and Nanny. Pam is an avid reader and continuing student in the areas of education, child development, adoption and public policy. She is eager to share her experiences as a mother by birth and by international adoption, as a mother of three kids of different learning styles and personalities, as a mother of kids of different races, and most of all as a mom of three wonderful kids!