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Boredom? You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me!

You can say what you will about life as a single parent of three teenagers, but the one thing I cannot lay claim to is boredom. It is always a bit strange for me when I hear adults my age complain of being bored—I cannot even imagine what that might feel like! I can remember vague feelings of boredom when I was a kid—growing up in the country several miles outside of the nearest town could get somewhat dull for a child with my temperament, but it has been years and years and years since I have experienced true boredom.

I do not lead a particularly hectic life—it is not like I am running for president or heading up a large multi-national corporation. It is really a simple existence with a rather ordinary family, but there is always plenty to do, always someone to talk to, and even good days are busy ones. This, I suppose, is one of the realities of single parenthood that I can be grateful for—never a dull moment!

I never wander around wondering what I should do next. There are those times when I have competing things and cannot figure out what the best approach is or have trouble sorting the priorities, but that is a different condition all together. My life as a single parent lets me fall asleep exhausted every night and wake up with something to do every morning. It may not be the most exciting, glamorous things that I have to do, but I am not sitting around feeling bored either! No need for busy work, made-up tasks, or creating dramatic problems—there is plenty of real-life drama and ordinary problems to occupy my time and energy. Who has the time or the brain power for boredom?

Also: Where is the Pressure Coming From?

How Far in Advance Can You Plan Things?

Dividing Time–The Single Parent’s Task