Reflux is a very uncomfortable condition for babies and according to some statistics, about 50% of all infants experience reflux at some point whether they are healthy or not. Breastfed babies are far less prone to reflux because breast milk is digested nearly twice as fast as formula. But for parents who bottle-feed their baby, the reflux is something that can be of great frustration to everyone involved. There are a few ways to help you cope with the condition or even eliminate it all together.
Not All Babies Are the Same
Remember, no two babies are exactly alike. Your first baby may have never experienced reflux, while your second cannot seem to stop it. My daughter was very fortunate, she had no reflux problems at all. My nephews, both of them, experienced the problem with annoying regularity. It took a while to find out what worked for them, but here is what is suggested and what we tried.
- Clothing – Your baby should be in loose clothing anyway, but if your baby suffers from reflux eliminate all tight clothing so that it doesn’t add additional pressure to the tummy and always be sure to change their diaper before giving them the bottle this means they won’t have any struggle with excess pressure around their middle
- Upright – Prop your baby upright either in a high chair or in the crook of your arm, by holding them upright, you can help minimize the reflux and you want to eliminate a lot of wild movement after feeding such as a car ride for at least 30 minutes
- Control the Pace – Some babies will shotgun their bottles, slow them down and give them breaks between ounces in order to give them more time to digest rather than filling them near to bursting – in some cases, the baby can overeat just the same way you do
- Frequent burping – It can help to burp your baby frequently, every other ounce or so in order to help relieve the chance for reflux
- Add Rice – Add some rice to your formula, this can thicken it up and make it more likely to stay down in the tummy rather than coming right back up
- Milk Allergies – if your baby has a milk allergy, use a soy product because milk allergies can trigger a great deal of reflux
- Different Formulas – if the formula you are using seems to upset your baby’s tummy a great deal, try a different formula including the hypoallergenic brands that will move through the stomach faster and be less likely to cause reflux – one such formula is Nutramigen
- The Pacifier – for the baby who will take the pacifier after they eat, it can help to generate saliva which will neutralize acid that may try to come up in the reflux and minimize the problem
Another product that I enjoyed was Mylicon. You can give it to the baby before you feed them and it helps neutralize gas in the stomach so that there is less chance for spitting up and reflux while your baby is eating. Always check with your pediatrician if you have questions or concerns. What methods did you use to help manage reflux in your baby?
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