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Bravo for Brave

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
I took all three of my girls to see Disney/Pixar’s new film, Brave. I have not been fond of the last so many Disney movies that have come out. However, this is a Pixar film, and I have a lot of faith in them. My whole family loves almost every Pixar film to date. So, with two of my girls with hair that rival’s Merida, we set out to see the movie. My two Merida lookalikes are 14 and 7 years old. My youngest is 4 years old and she brought her long dark mane to here first movie in a theater.

My seven year old asked on the way out if we could buy the movie. My 14 year old said it was good, which is high praise coming from her. While my littlest asked three times toward the end if it was almost over, she claims to have loved it. I enjoyed it. A few scenes even brought tears to my eyes. That has not happened since Andy handed over Woody in Toy Story 3.

Likes and Dislikes

Like: No love interest. Yes, I found that a plus. Merida is a strong willed girl that had no interest in finding a Prince.

Like: Merida’s attempts to disobey turned out to be disastrous. She was not “right” in the end. She actually realized her mother was right and was challenged to put aside her pride to make things right. Her mother saw wisdom in a point that Merida made but it was not a turn around of the classic “child defies and turns out to be right and praised”, that you see in most movies.

Dislike: There is a character that is heavily endowed and her cleavage shows like a creek between two mountains. Now she is not provocative at all so perhaps it will not offend but I could have lived without it.

Dislike: A character bends over and lifts up his kilt for others to see his business in an attempt at humor. Yes, I laughed. But some may find it offensive.

Like: Perfect kick off to a study on Scotland, family tradition, and even bears.