If you live in a one-room house, the idea of tackling chores might not be so bad. But I would guess this isn’t the case for most of us. So for every room that makes up the inside of your home, the more work there is to be done.
When I think about going through the rooms of my house to do my chores, it can feel a bit overwhelming. However there are ways to break your big tasks down into smaller ones.
For instance, go through each room but only focus on those things that are most visible. For instance, dirty clothes on the floor or dirty dishes in the sink.
For some people they go into a room to do one thing but suddenly they notice the closet is messy and start organizing that. What was supposed to be a small job has turned into a big one. So just work on the visible areas first and then if you have time later on, get to the hidden spots.
Another way to break bigger tasks down is to set a timer. Do you only have 15 minutes to clean? Set the timer and then get to the jobs that are most important. As soon as the timer goes off, give yourself permission to walk away.
Finally, make use of extra time you have on hand. About 15 minutes before my children leave for school, I make my son’s lunch. But they still have about 10 minutes before they leave and I need to lock the door behind them. So in that time, I quick put dishes away, wipe down counters and take care of other smaller things.
Trying these ideas can help alleviate feeling overwhelmed by all that has to be done. What tips do you have for breaking big tasks down into smaller ones?
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Photo by Daino_16 in stock.xchng