Have you ever tasted your own breast milk? Many moms do. I have had several people tell me that they taste everything they put into baby’s mouth, and that includes their own breast milk. I am very pro breastfeeding. I feel that for me, it was definitely the right choice with both of my children. I was blessed with an overabundance, and I felt like it was my responsibility to breastfeed. But, I never tasted it. Never. It felt unnatural for me to try my own breast milk. It was for baby, not me. But, what is the harm in it really?
Some people have told me that their husbands have tried it too. Again, maybe I’m a little too old fashioned, closed minded, whatever, but I know my husband would never take a drink. But, breast milk is one of the most NATURAL foods there is. Especially for your baby.
I heard about a London restaurant that is taking it one step further. Breast milk ice cream. My first thought was, “ewww.” I definitely don’t want to try my own breast milk, much less someone else’s!! The name of the ice cream dish? “Baby Gaga”. Served like a fancy cocktail in a martini glass, with liquid nitrogen, and a waitress dressed like Gaga herself, this is sure to attract someone. Right?
The woman who first donated had to take a simple blood test before being approved for donation. Then, she provided 30 ounces. The restaurant is paying women to donate their breast milk. How much does it cost to take a bite? 14 euros.
I don’t know, but this just seems a little too far out for me. I can understand why a mother, or father might want to taste their own breast milk, but tasting someone else’s seems crazy.
Yet, the woman who donated her breast milk is hoping that people will realize how good it tastes, and that it will help improve people’s negative feelings about breastfeeding. But, I’m pretty sure that if you already feel negatively about it, you most likely won’t be willing to taste ice cream made out of it. Just a thought.
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