Breastfeeding, as we have discussed here previously, can be difficult enough. When you are trying to nurse multiples; you have a whole new set of challenges to deal with. Premature babies may have a difficult time nursing because their sucking reflex is weak.
While your breast milk is very well designed to provide multiples and premature babies with nutrients and antibodies, premature multiples can tire so easily that completing a feeding can be hard.
Another problem to confront a nursing mother of premature multiples is that her milk supply is low. The low supply can be related to the early delivery and to stress. Stress can inhibit milk production; caring for multiples is stressful and the stress only increases when they have a difficult time nursing.
A breast pump and storing the milk may prove a good solution for you and your multiples. Consult with a lactation specialist in order to help you with the resources and the support. A support group in your area may also provide you with other resources, ideas and of course – support.
Even if you can only provide your multiples with a small amount of breast milk; any amount will provide them with essential nutrients for their development and growth. Whether you feed by bottle or breast, they will need frequent meals – no matter how small – will help them. Luckily, multiples don’t always eat at the same time. If you are able to nurse, this means you can provide them with a breast one at a time. Though, doubling up on your feedings can leave you exhausted.
Be sure to eat well, get plenty of rest and ask your family for help. In the first few weeks of having your multiples home; it’s ideal to have another family member – mother, sister, husband or friend – stay with you. They can provide you with support, meals and take care of daily chores and activities. This will let you get plenty of sleep in order to concentrate the resources of your body and your emotions on your newborns.
In time, it will get easier for all of you. Take your time. Take it easy on yourself. Eat a healthy diet, take vitamins, hydrate regularly and if you are up to mild exercise, provide that as well. But concentrate on reducing your stress as much as possible. Twins, premature or not, will take time, patience and practice. You may be worn out for a while; but you will get used to it and they will improve.