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Ha! I laughed when I first heard about the show Bridezillas. Have you seen it? I watched it out of curiosity, but I didn’t find it nearly as funny as the title. In fact, the first time I saw it, I just felt sad. The poor bride was having so many problems. Things didn’t go right, her wedding planner was a controlling jerk that wanted things his way instead of hers, and the poor woman was distraught. She cried. She begged and pleaded. She finally fired the jerk. I didn’t think she was Bridezilla at all. I thought she was righteously angry and held it together far better than others did.

So, I watched again. I wanted to see what a real Bridezilla looks like, and this time, I wasn’t disappointed. The woman was demanding, rude, spoiled, and basically threw a temper tantrum at every turn. She was just plain mean. I didn’t find it considerably amusing, although the show may prove entertaining for some.

I understand that a bride wants her big day to be the fairy tale experience she has always dreamed of. However, if it takes belittling and ostracizing the people you love and the people that work for you to get there, I’d pass in a heartbeat.

Planning a wedding and getting everything to work out can be challenging, but organization and good planning make all the difference. There have been several good articles here -there are elsewhere too- and you can hire a wedding planner that actually has your best interests in mind.

I hope every bride gets her fantasy wedding, but I also hope that true Bridezillas are few and far between. It should be about the person you love, your vows, your future, as much as it is about the wedding. Keeping these things in perspective will help assure that your wedding is one of the happiest days of your life, even if everything isn’t 100% storybook.