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Budly in Beagle’s Clothing

Two times so far this week I’ve seen Winky (whose name is now Ruby). The first time was Monday afternoon when her owner was taking her for a walk. The second time was at six thirty this morning when I was taking Murph for his walk.

On Monday, I was working in my office, which has a huge window overlooking the front yard. That’s when I saw Winky and her people across the street. I hurried and leashed Murph up, then dashed outside to get a Winky fix. That’s when I learned her name was Ruby.

I also wanted to tell the neighbor that if they ever considered getting rid of her to think of us.

Bad move. It was impulsive on my part. I hadn’t consulted Wayne. (Who had made it perfectly clear after we sent Ruby home from the surprise puppy sitting night that we did not need a pup wreaking havoc in our lives. Especially since it’s been so peaceful now that Tabby and Mr. Meow finally get along.)

If only I hadn’t watched her that one night. I wouldn’t have had that hour and half to bond. But actually I didn’t even need that long. She had embedded herself in my heart 15 minutes after meeting her because she reminded me instantly of Budly.

He was exactly like her at that age. About the same size too. Deceptively sweet and innocent. Give him a second to warm up to his environment and then BAMMO! Watch the crazy puppy come out!

When I said goodbye to her Monday my heart broke all over again. I want that puppy so bad. I know we don’t need her. I know she would be a lot of work. But when I look into her eyes, I see Budly’s spirit.

Then this morning she had escaped again. She was still on her own turf, which is where we found her. She bounced to Murphy first and they kissed noses, then she wiggle-dashed to me. When I looked into her eyes again today, I felt it again. That connection.

It’s beyond the fact she’s a cute puppy. Sure, everyone’s drawn to that. But it’s like what happened when we adopted Murph, or as I like to say, when he adopted us.

There was something else there. A pull. A purpose. A knowing. He saw us as kindred spirits and knew we were the people for him. (We were slow on that one because our hearts were still mourning Budly, though.)

But even if I could convince Wayne she’s Budly in beagle’s clothing, he is dead-set against us adopting her. And the current owners want to keep her but admit she’s a handful and they’re not up for the task. So they asked the other neighbor (the one who found her the first time) to ask her friend (who already has a beagle and was thinking of getting another) to see if he still wants her.

It reminds me of an interview Aimee did with Lisa Pietsch and how she got her dog. (See: Roady’s Long, Strange Trip.) Lisa had no intention of getting another dog. It just sort of happened. And with her, she simply saw a picture online of a dog that lived in a whole other state. But she knew that dog was meant for them.

That’s exactly how I feel every time I see Winky. (Er, I mean Ruby. She’ll always be Winky to me.)

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