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Building Family Unity

Do you feel like your family is always pulling you in a hundred different directions? Do you spend real time together more than once a week? Are you worried that your kids will grow up and become strangers? It is important to take steps now so that you have lasting family unity. Here are a few ideas to help you build family unity.

1) Plan a vacation where you will all hang out together. You may want to rent a cabin and spend time hiking together. Or you can simply go camping at the nearest national forest. This will give a chance to spend time together without a lot of outside distractions. Be sure that you bring board games, puzzles and other group activities to do together.

2) Set aside one Saturday a month that is family day. On this day have a fun outing as a family. It could be a trip to the park and picnic lunch. You could go to a local museum, or to the zoo. You could go roller-skating or to the movies. You may want to have family members take turns picking the activities that you do.

3) Once your children are old enough you may want to start making temple trips as a family. You could schedule time every few months to go the temple together as a family. This will help your family to have an eternal perspective of their relationships with each other.

4) Start some family traditions. One family I know reads together every night. They read the classics or a new novel as a family right before the youngest goes to bed. Another fun tradition could be a certain breakfast every Saturday or Sunday morning. Traditions help to build memories and bring you closer together.

5) In addition to all these ideas, be sure that you are following the prophet’s counsel by having family home evening, family prayer and family scripture study. These things will help to build family unity as well.

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