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Buried in the Middle

Courtney has had a couple of interesting articles lately that I would like to touch base with.

In one of her more recent articles she describes how she and Wayne have talked about their funeral arrangements. No one really likes to discuss their partner or any of their other loved ones passing away. However, it does happen and knowing the wishes of one another is a good idea.

In her article Courtney discussed how one of her friends brought it to her attention that although she has things planned out for her and Wayne, a new wife for Wayne may change things after her passing.

No one really can map out exactly how things will happen or how they will feel in a situation such as this. Most partners will say that they would never remarry or even consider a new partner if something should happen to the one that they have now. However when the time comes this may change.

Therefore, I think that Courtney’s friend had a logical concern and question for Courtney. In many cases couples choose a cemetery in which they wish to be buried. After the first mate of the married couple dies and is buried, many have a double stone place at the burial site. The stone will have the names of both the deceased and the mate that is still living. The plan is for the two to be buried together. However a new mate in the equation can change things.

This same situation happened to a lady that I know. Her husband passed away and she had a stone created for the two of them. Years later she remarried. Sadly her second husband also passed away. She felt a great dedication to both men in her life. She had loved both of them dearly.

Therefore she had the stone removed and a triple stone created. One husband was place on each side and her name was placed in the middle.