Swimming, chasing after naked kids and digging in the sand are great ways to burn calories during your beach vacation. However, if you really want to feel the burn, then consider trying out some of these exercises during your next trip to the beach:
Find a large stretch of sand and get started. Use firmer sand for sit-ups. For push-ups start by lying face down on the sand with your hands approximately shoulder width apart, then push-up until your arms are straight, keeping you back and legs straight. Next, lower your body until your chest touches the sand and push-up in a fluid motion. For sit-ups complete 20 reps for one set. Do three sets. For push-ups complete 12 to 15 reps for one set. Do three sets.
Use a beach chair or bring a portable exercise band with you to the beach. Place the band around your outer thighs about an inch above your knees and stand a little more than shoulder width apart. Next, squat down, pushing your knees out away from each other until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Stand back up pushing through your heels, squeezing your butt. Be careful not to lock your knees. If you are using a chair, then squat until your butt graces the top of the seat. Repeat 12-15 times for one set. Do three sets.
Find a rock wall or use your cooler. Place your hands on the wall or the cooler making sure your fingers face forward. Your legs should be extended out in front of you slightly bent. Lower your body down slightly until your elbows are nearly in line with your shoulders. Push back up until your arms are extended and in the starting position. Repeat 12-15 times for one set. Do three sets.
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