With only one of my three children at home this past weekend, it was mighty quiet. The two of us had a hard time staying productive and motivated. Even though we both had plenty of work, homework, and errands to do—we mostly just wanted to snuggle down under comfortable quilts, watch movies and eat cranberry walnut bread. Winter is creeping upon us and with Halloween under our belts, the onset of the cold months is inevitable.
When my daughter and I got out and about to do the grocery shopping, we indulged in some window shopping and wandering too—we meandered down the holiday decoration aisles at a nearby crafts store and a department store as well. We vacillated between being amazed that it was “already this time of year” and getting ourselves psyched up for the unfolding season. The weather this past weekend added to the transition as it was quite cold and grey—the trees are getting sparse with more than half their colorful leaves already scattered to the winds.
As my eldest and I boxed up the Halloween decorations and started to make a plan for the next two big holidays, I tried not to think about the reality that this could very well be her last holiday season at home with mom. This time next year, she might be away at college (even if it is only across town at our own state university) and she may be focused on building her own life. We are lingering—she and I, burrowing in to savor the Winter and what could be her last youthful “at home” wintery season. We vacillate between feeling amazed that this time of her pending adulthood is already upon us—and getting psyched up for the next inevitable phases and stages to come.
Also: Halloween Chaos
Walking the Mother-Daughter Tightrope