If you can save someone time and tend to their needs you will have the beginnings of a successful home business. One such business could be a personal chef. A personal chef can prepare and cook meals in a person’s home or their own kitchen and deliver the food. You can specialize in different types of cooking for special diets or an expertise such as French cooking, etc. Market yourself to work exclusively for one family or for several if you plan to find a niche.
Ideas to find your niche:
Gluten Free
Diabetic Cooking
Portion Control
Low Fat
What you need:
Culinary training
A kitchen large enough to make several dinners or clients.
Organizational skills
Reliable transportation
Travel trays, bowls, etc. to transport your food if you prepare it in your own kitchen first.
Ability to purchase food wholesale or in large quantities
Related Field Ideas:
Offer catering to client events
Teach classes on how to prepare foods for those on special diets
Work exclusively with those trying to lose weight and offer portion control or low fat fair. You may be able to work with personal trainers or for a health club.
Work exclusively for athletes providing for their dietary needs.
Customer Base
Customers will include executives, busy families, elderly, or those on special diets.
How to Advertise
Find the niche you want to work in and advertise directly to that clientele. Give flyers or business cards to health food stores, health clubs, personal trainers, sports trainers, hospitals, and grocery stores. Make sure you tell your friends and family. Offer cooking classes out of your home for free and give out your cards to those who show up. Give out coupons for one meal free or half off one week of meals with the purchase of one full week.