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Business Names, Taglines and Logos

So you have a business idea, a plan and a mission. Now all you need is a name for your business, a tagline and a logo. Choosing all three is a very important step and one not easily undone. Be wise when making these decisions as it sets the tone and perception of your company.

When my business partner and I chose the name of our company we took in consideration the way the name sounded, what it implied and how easy it would be to remember. We wanted the name to reflect our business mission and vision. A business name must be memorable and short. We finally came up with a name that fit the criteria. The best part of the name we chose is the initials are just as easy to remember as the name and they sound good together. We liked that using the initials to refer to our business implied a familiarity. However, an acronym or great sounding initials is not essential. What is essential is making it easy to say, spell, and understand. You also want to use a name that is positive. For instance you would not name a restaurant Puke City.

Once we established our name we wanted a tagline that would be just as easy to remember and also convey meaning. A tagline is longer than the company name and defines the mission. The tagline we chose directly refers to our mission and our vision while being short. You must keep it simple so people can remember it. A forgotten tagline is still forgotten no matter how intelligent and creative it started out.

For me the hardest thing to pick was a logo. To simplify the process you need to understand it serves the same purpose as your business name and tagline. A logo is the visual representation of your business. It should reflect what your business does while being eye catching. Pick something unique so you do not get mixed up with the competition or a company that has little to do with your business.

Sometimes picking a name comes with a funny story or a story with meaning. If that describes you please comment and let me know your company name and how you picked it.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.