Have you ever had a friend, family member, in law, or neighbor that was nosey beyond belief? I mean some people have no shame. They will tell you their life story, whether you want to hear it or not, and then proceed to ask you the most personal questions. Apparently, they feel that you are obligated to answer since they shared their sordid details with you.
While there is a lot to be said for good manners and being polite, you are not required to share the intimate details of your marriage with anyone. Politely but firmly tell the person that certain subjects are private -off limits- and that you do not wish to discuss personal details with him or her.
It is really amazing how pushy some people can be. I’ve actually had people ask me detailed questions about my sex life. I’ve also had people ask me why we have four children. What makes people think they have a right to intimate information or that they should judge the size of anyone else’s family?
I’m sure that you too have been approached by busy bodies, or other people that may mean well but end up sticking their noses where they don’t belong. I’m here to tell you that despite political correctness gone mad, you are well within your rights to let such people know that they are behaving rudely.
This is not to say that you should be mean or ugly, just firm. Some people refuse to take a hint, so you have to be straightforward. I tend to say what I think, so it’s not really a problem for me. My mom thinks it’s funny and says that I am skilled at telling people off in the most diplomatic of ways. Let’s just say I get my point across.
I’m also reminded of a friend. Her sister-in-law (husband’s brother’s wife) constantly asked her about her sex life. One day, she simply handed the woman her cell phone and told her to call her husband and ask him. The woman was shocked, but she did stop asking such intimate questions.
So, for all the times you have wanted to (or still want to) say, “That’s none of your business.” I say, go for it, but not in so many words. Find creative ways to make people realize how nosey and rude they are being, and never feel pressured to share intimate details or personal issues that you don’t wish to share.